
Sundanese traditional instruments #1

Certainly not complete if we only learn about the Sundanese language but do not study the customs, art, history and culture. Well this time I will speak a little about art Sundanese, but what I will discuss is a traditional musical instrument.

We know that every tribe in Indonesia has different traditional musical instruments but there are also almost the same. This traditional musical instrument has existed since several hundred years ago that has been used by generations by our ancestors since long ago, there are made of wood, bamboo, brass and iron. Here are some traditional Sundanese musical instruments are still widely used, including:

Angklung is basically a musical instrument made of bamboo, where the tone is generated because of the clash between bamboo with each other. Bamboo used in the process of making this angklung is a type of black bamboo (awi hideng) and white bamboo (awi bodas). In a few years ago Angklung included into the international cultural heritage.

Based on the origin of existence, angklung itself consists of several types of them; angklung kanekes, angklung dogdog lojor, angklung keeng, angklung sarinande, angklung toel, angklung gubrag, angklung badeng, and angklung sri-pure.

While according to the type in producing sound, angklung divided into 6 types of them; Angklung small melody, Angklung big melody, Angklung akom septim, Angklung minor akom, Angklung ko-akom septim and the last Angklung ko-akom minor.

To be more comfortable in the hearing of angklung music is usually played more than one person, this is to produce the desired sound in accordance with the key tone. And how to play it yourself can be said bother easy, and need to be trained by people who are adept at using it.

If you are interested and want to learn to play Angklung may be able to visit, study and at the same time berekreasi in a place located in the city of Bandung called "Saung Angklung Udjo".

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