
Sundanese traditional instruments #2

Similar to angklung, calung itself is made of the same material that is bamboo (awi), bamboo used the same is black bamboo and white bamboo. Calung is a musical instrument made of bamboo arranged to adjust the scales, and how to play it is by hitting each bamboo segment.

There are several forms of calung which is now still awake that is jinjing, gambang, rantay and gamelan. But what many people know and famous is calung jinjing. Calung jinjing itself is divided into several types of them; Calung melody, Calung escort, Calung jenglong, and great Calung.

In its development calung played into an art that serves as a means of entertainment, where the performance of calung itself not only play a tune / song, but presented or dikreasikan with movement and also jokes. In some areas that still maintain the traditional arts there are still some group calung that many staged when the tune of the celebration event (wedding / circumcision).

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