Learning Sundanese


Sunda traditional weapon of the tribe

Speaking of weapons must surely come to mind that weapons are usually synonymous with violence. But basically a weapon is made not for use as a tool of violence but for protection and has a variety of functions according to the type of weapon made.

As we know Indonesia has various tribes of yan certainly have their own unique weapons, there are kris from Java, there are celurit from madura, there is mandau from kalimantan, there are machetes from betawi and others. The Sundanese people themselves have a traditional weapon called Kujang, where it used to function as both a weapon, as well as an agricultural tool.

From some existing literature Kujang is a weapon mainstay King Prabu Siliwangi who has its own magical power and is feared by his opponents at that time. Kujang is usually made from a mixture of iron and steel, where one side sngat sharp and the other side is not and made thin.

When viewed at a glance Kujang has a curved shape, but based on some researchers there are five parts of cleaver which is called as tajaman, congo, eluk, cistern and eyes. At present, in addition to the above functions Kujang used as souvenirs, ornaments even in the area of ​​Bogor used as a symbol of the region.

Some even believe that the Kujang made in antiquity is an heirloom that has historical value, and of course the magical element. But whatever is important is how we preserve and instill the values ​​of true philosophy to our children about Sundanese culture in particular and Indonesian culture in general. (UK)

Sundanese traditional instruments #2

Similar to angklung, calung itself is made of the same material that is bamboo (awi), bamboo used the same is black bamboo and white bamboo. Calung is a musical instrument made of bamboo arranged to adjust the scales, and how to play it is by hitting each bamboo segment.

There are several forms of calung which is now still awake that is jinjing, gambang, rantay and gamelan. But what many people know and famous is calung jinjing. Calung jinjing itself is divided into several types of them; Calung melody, Calung escort, Calung jenglong, and great Calung.

In its development calung played into an art that serves as a means of entertainment, where the performance of calung itself not only play a tune / song, but presented or dikreasikan with movement and also jokes. In some areas that still maintain the traditional arts there are still some group calung that many staged when the tune of the celebration event (wedding / circumcision).

Sundanese traditional instruments #1

Certainly not complete if we only learn about the Sundanese language but do not study the customs, art, history and culture. Well this time I will speak a little about art Sundanese, but what I will discuss is a traditional musical instrument.

We know that every tribe in Indonesia has different traditional musical instruments but there are also almost the same. This traditional musical instrument has existed since several hundred years ago that has been used by generations by our ancestors since long ago, there are made of wood, bamboo, brass and iron. Here are some traditional Sundanese musical instruments are still widely used, including:

Angklung is basically a musical instrument made of bamboo, where the tone is generated because of the clash between bamboo with each other. Bamboo used in the process of making this angklung is a type of black bamboo (awi hideng) and white bamboo (awi bodas). In a few years ago Angklung included into the international cultural heritage.

Based on the origin of existence, angklung itself consists of several types of them; angklung kanekes, angklung dogdog lojor, angklung keeng, angklung sarinande, angklung toel, angklung gubrag, angklung badeng, and angklung sri-pure.

While according to the type in producing sound, angklung divided into 6 types of them; Angklung small melody, Angklung big melody, Angklung akom septim, Angklung minor akom, Angklung ko-akom septim and the last Angklung ko-akom minor.

To be more comfortable in the hearing of angklung music is usually played more than one person, this is to produce the desired sound in accordance with the key tone. And how to play it yourself can be said bother easy, and need to be trained by people who are adept at using it.

If you are interested and want to learn to play Angklung may be able to visit, study and at the same time berekreasi in a place located in the city of Bandung called "Saung Angklung Udjo".

twelve body parts that are in the head

Here are some parts of our head and its mention in Sundanese:
Hair his sundanese language buuk or rambut
- Eye his sundanese language panon or mata
- Eyebrow his sundanese language halis
- Mustache his sundanese language kumis or rumbah
- Nose his sundanese language ambung or irung or pangambung
- Tongue, his native language letah or ilat
- Beard his sundanese language jenggot
- Lip his sundanese language biwir or lambe
- Ear his sundanese languageceuli aor cepil
- Tooth his sundanese language huntu or waos
- Chick his sundanese language pipi or damis
- Brain his sundanese language otak

The twelve parts of the head, we always hear and familiar. kemerupakan parts of the human body that is headed, then what about the other body parts? therefore the other parts that are outside the head such as:

- His sundanese backs,  tonggong/punduk
- Index finger : curuk
- Middle finger : jajangkung
- Little Finger : cinggir
- Nail : kuku
- Thigh : pingping
- Butt :  bujur atau imbit
- Knee : tu'ur
- Skin : kulit
- Navel : bujal
- Calf : bitis
- Heart : hate or ati
- throat : tikoro or genggerong

Well that's part of the names of parts of the human body in Sundanese. It may sound strange but therein lies the uniqueness of Sundanese language. On the next occasion I will try to apply in the conversation.

Learn Sundanese about parts of the human body

On this occasion I will try to give a little of my knowledge about human body parts in Sundanese. As we have seen together the human body itself consists of several parts that are united. 

There can be seen directly with the eyes of some are not because of the inside of our own skin. All of them become one and complement each other for their respective functions.

In school subjects this part of our body will be discussed in biology subjects. Where each part of our body has a different function, but is a complementary one. One example for example:

  1. The head in Sundanese is called sirah (smooth) or hulu (rough);
  2. The hand in Sundanese is called leungeun (coarse) or panangan (subtle);
  3. The legs in Sundanese are called suku (rough) or sampean (smooth) or cokor (rough);
  4. Abdomen in Sundanese is named with beuteung.
These four parts of the body are the more common parts of our body, and among them are other interconnected parts forming organs called the human body. In our head section, there are several other parts that have different functions, shapes and sizes, including; hair, tongue, ear, nose, and so on.

Words of Call in Sunda kinship

Learning Sundanese - Relationships in the family is more affected by blood relations, both from the mother or the father. So the more offspring the more families will be. 

In terms of calling any course will be different, influenced by the lineage of young and old. Here are some calls in the family:

A. Aang
Aang or someone called ang/aa is a call for an older brother or someone older. Whether it is a blood relationship or not.
- Son of uwa (old brother of the father / mother)
- Granddaughter of her grandfather's sister / grandmother

B. Teteh/Euceu
Teteh/euceu is a call for older sisters or women. Same with Aang.

C. Mamang
Mamang is a name for the sister of the father / mother or other people.

D. Bibi
Similar to mamang, Bibi is a name for the sister of the father / mother or other people.

E. Uwa
Uwa is the name for the sister of the father / mother or it could be a child of grandpa grandparents kakanya / grandmother.

F. Aki/Nini
Aki/nini is a call to the father of the mother / father or grandfather's grandfather or grandchild's granddaughter for us or an old person and deserve to be called aki / nini (usually already over 70 years old).

H. Uyut
Uyut is a call to father / mother From grandparents.

The call is still in respect and still maintained by the Sundanese, but sometimes there are not using it either because the parents who no longer teach or the person is not willing to use it. So they just call a name. (Cak / 17)

Name of vegetables and herbs in Sundanese

Learn Sundanese - Smart people are those who continue to learn and learn, because by learning knowledge will increase. Likewise if you want to speak smart Sundanese, then it should continue to learn about the Sundanese language. 

 The simple lesson is to get to know some mention of vegetable name and kitchen spice in Sundanese language. Why vegetables and herbs? Because both of us often use and we cook everyday so will quickly memorized.

1Bayem (spinach)
Example of sentences:
- Ibu melak tangkal bayem di buruan (mother planting spinach trees in the yard)

2. Cengek (cayenne)
Example of sentences:
- Andi kade poho meuli cengkeh saparapat. (Andi do not forget to buy a quarter of chili)

3. Sahang (pepper)
Example of sentences:
- Poe ieu si bapak arek melak tangkal sahang di kebon. (Today father will plant pepper trees in the garden)

4. Genot (genjer)
Example of sentences:
- Enjing keneh si bapak geus hayangeun urab genot.(Early morning the father was willing to urge genjer)

5. Bawang bodas/bereum(garlic/merah)
Example of sentences:
- Bawang bodas di pasar hargana  20.000 sakilo.(garlic in the market cost 20.000/kg)

6.Laja (galingale)
Example of sentences:
- Poe ieu si ibu ek ngala laja di darmaga balong.(Today mother wants to take laos at the garden pier).

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